Part 3 of our "Meet the Trainers" series introduces us to our last trainer, and
Stroller Strides Central Leeward owner, Sarah.
Sarah writes:
"Hello, my name is Sarah Hoey. I LOVE STROLLER STRIDES. I have been involved in (the) fitness (industry) for 8 years and am AFAA, ACE, Stroller Strides, Pilates, Spinning, Turbo-Kick and Water Aerobics certified. I also carry my personal trainer certification.
I own and believe in Stroller Strides because of the members. My body changed after I had a baby and I was alone and sad at times.
This was a huge transition in my life. I discovered Stroller Strides at a parade, and all it took was one trail class and I was hooked.

I have been involved in fitness forever but this was different because it came with the support of real mommies, talk time, workout time, mom's night out, and a chance to feel comfortable in my own skin again.
Since having my daughter, Sophia Ella Shirley Hoey, I have moved 4 times, and finally settled in Hawaii. I am originally from north of Calgary Alberta Canada. Yes, a huge change of climate, yet I love it.
Like the other trainers, I spend my time on fitness goals of my own. I have run 3 half marathon, and compete in figure and fitness model competitions.

As the owner of Stroller Strides, I want to meet you if you are reading this, and encourage your to get back into shape and meet our amazing mommies who have so much to share and offer.
See you soon,