Rosy and daughters Isabella (2) and Berea (5)
Rosy writes:
"My story is I gained 55 pounds with my first daughter Berea. My pregnancy was uncomfortable and my labor and delivery was very long, as was my recovery. When I got pregnant with Isabella, I told myself that I would not allow the same thing to happen. I joined Stroller Strides in Monterey, CA when I was 5 months pregnant. I ended up only gaining 27 pounds, my labor and delivery was 2 hours long, and my recovery was quick and painless. I was ready and running by my 6-week checkup. When I saw the drastic change between my two pregnancies, it was my goal to get as many pre- and post-natal mommies to attend Stroller Strides with me. That turned into a desire to teach Stroller Strides (since I used to teach elementary school before becoming a mommy). It was a great fit, and still is. I am excited about this opportunity to teach in Hawaii. This is my third franchise, and I love how everyone is always so nice, we all have the same goals and desires to be healthy, and be with our children. One of my favorite things is to watch the little ones do lunges or push ups with us, that means we are passing healthy habits to our children as well. Speaking as someone who was left a HORRIBLE health history, it is truly a gift we are giving our children to show them that exercising (with friends none the less) and getting outside is important. I look forward to getting to know all of you and your beautiful children. Thank you for those of you who have already given me such a warm, aloha welcome!"