Welcome to FIT4MOM, Central Leeward Oahu

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nikki's Transformation Story

After moving to Hawaii in October of last year, we found ourselves for the first time in a great weather environment that was conducive to outdoor activity. As a family, we had spent the last eight years in central Texas where the main activity in the summer often consisted of searching for the nearest indoor climate with air conditioning and where the winter time was cold and windy. I decided in January 2011 that it was time for me to get off the couch and start working out again. My neighbor at the time introduced me to Stroller Strides. I started Stroller Strides at the end of January. Although I love Stroller Strides I wasn’t seeing the results I yet wanted to see. In April I decided that I would give Body Back a try in addition to Stroller Strides. I mean what did I have to lose?

Nikki at far right, Mom's Night Out, February 2011

What an eye opener the first couple weeks were. From the assessments, to the measurements, to the nutrition, I was a mess. I had the worst nutritional journal out of the group (I think), and my assessments and measurements weren’t anything to brag about. I had let myself get to 35% body fat. You may ask yourself how in the world I let myself get to 35% body fat. Well after two kids and 72 pounds of weight gain, working long hours as a paramedic, eating fast food all the time, and never making time to work out, my body was 35% fat (yuck)!

The first session of Body Back began to break me down and rebuilt a new better me. By the end of the first session I had lost 25 pounds, 5% body fat, several inches, and was eating so much cleaner and drinking water like crazy. I also improved in all my assessments and measurements. After seeing what a difference the exercising and nutritional changes did for me I was hooked.

May 2011, midway through BB #1

I decided to continue with Body Back and did the second session. Even though I missed half of session two due to vacation, I was still amazed that again I lost fat and gained muscle. I lost another 3% body fat, several inches and I am now 2 clothes sizes smaller. I have decided to continue my Body Back transformation and do session 3 and I have also added boxing to my mix of Stroller Strides, Body Back, Karate and running. I can’t wait to see what kind of results I get this time!

I have to take time to thank the people that have helped me out on my journey to a healthier, leaner, and more fit Nikki. First, I want to thank Liz Weyrauch for introducing me to Stroller Strides. Next, to the Schofield team: Debbie Patterson, Maria Thompson, Stephanie Cunningham, and Rayna Labine, for always motivating and encouraging me. Thank you to Joni for opening my eyes to a whole new world of fitness, nutrition, and the encouragement. Thanks to my fellow Body Backsters who always encourage each other and never let anyone give up. Lastly, thanks to my baby sitter and husband who watch the kids so that I can come and workout!

Nikki at last Saturday's BB preview class.

Just 6 months after Nikki's workout journey began with SS and BB!