"Mom's Night Out with the Black Eyed Peas! We met for dinner at Bravo in Aiea and then headed down for an early arrival at MCBH. Or so we thought. Two hours in the car were followed by a 2-mile hike to the venue where we caught about half of the concert. Ah well -- seeing Fergie's abs almost made up for it. Despite bad traffic and a very unexpected night of power walking in slippers all over the Marine Corp Base, we had a great time together. We took these pictures at 1:30 AM, it must be noted!

Shalawn, Margene, Jen P.

Joni, Margene, Jessica S.
Kim M. also met us there, and Fran and Shannon tried to attend but got stuck outside the gate."
Stay tuned for next month's MNO! Hope everyone can attend!