The address is 2851 E. Manoa Rd., Ste. 1-207, which is located in Manoa Marketplace.
If you are interested in attending, please notify Joni by TOMORROW, Friday Sept. 18th. Fees for the class will by due by next Monday.
So far, 10 moms have signed up, so you can expect the cost to be anywhere from $15-22. Most likely everyone will meet up for a light dinner before the class.
Come learn Hula for October's Mom's Night Out!
Joni has been in touch with Wanna Hula to organize a group lesson for us. She told Sarah from Wanna Hula that all of you like to work out and sweat, so she promises a good workout with perhaps some Tahitian dancing thrown in!
The more people that participate reduces the cost of an hour-long session, so a group of 10-15 would be ideal and would run from $10 to $15 per person. She would like to pick a time and day that works best for those who are interested, so let her know if you want to Hula! email her at: joni@strollerstrides.net.