Left to Right: Erika, Joni, Tania, Mardelle, Aurora, Teresa
An update from Joni:
"Hula night was a ton of fun! The ladies met at Aloha Salads in Kapolei for a super healthy dinner, then carpooled to Manoa for our Hula and Tahitian dancing class. There was a lot of hip action going on! We wore pareos and worked those hips. Our instructor Sarah was so funny and very energetic. Then coffee at the shop under the studio and back home ... success! We learned all sorts of stuff about each other, and had a fabulous time sending off Erika who has (sadly) moved to Florida this week. I can't wait for the next MNO and I have learned that I LOVE Tahitian dancing!"
Thanks for the update and awesome photo! Info on October's MNO to come!