I have updated the list as the comments come in, so we are in need of the following items still.
Loaf of bread (1)
Cheese slices (1)
Turkey slices (1)
Ham slices (2)
Sliced tomatoes (2)
Mayonnaise (1)
Any other condiment (1)
Small PB&J sandwiches cut into quarters for the kids (2)
Small plain cheese sandwiches cut into quarters for the kids (2)
Yogurt (3)
Sliced apples (2)
Grapes (1)
Veggies (1)
Pretzels (1)
Bring your own drinks! Beth will provide plates, plastic ware, and napkins.
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If you are having problems, please email me the error message you are getting. A screen shot would also be great so I can try to figure out what is going on. alohab@hawaii.rr.com.