Hi! My name is Laurie and I have one daughter named Ainsley Ann who is 16 months. We attend the Ocean Pointe Stroller Strides and also live in OP. My husband is an Infantryman in the US Army and Hawaii is our first duty station! We moved here in May of 2008 and have loved every minute of it. I am an avid tennis player and am always looking for someone to play with! I also love to cook, shop, and workout.

I joined Stroller Strides in January 2010 to finally lose the last of my baby weight. As a child, I played every sport imaginable and considered myself an athlete. When I became pregnant, I completely stopped working out and gained 37 lbs. Two weeks after my daughter’s birth I had only 12 pounds to go, but with newly acquired poor eating habits and my lack of motivation to work out, I gained 14 pounds within the next couple months. I found myself in an unfamiliar situation- I had always been active and naturally thin and now I was lugging lots of unwanted weight! With my husband’s impeding return from Iraq, I made the commitment to myself to lose weight. That was the motivating factor that jumpstarted my renewed love of fitness!

Stroller Strides has taken me to a whole new level and not only have I lost 16 pounds in the last 4 months, but I LOVE working out now. A year ago I wouldn’t have thought it possible that I would be out the door at 8 am 4 days a week to work out. Now, I look forward to each opportunity Stroller Strides provides to get an excellent workout and hang out with friends to boot! My future goals include losing that last 5 pounds and knocking down my previous month’s accomplishments at our Final Fridays. I credit Stroller Strides with giving me a new perspective on fitness, a healthier disposition, and an improved quality of life here in Hawaii.