I am a stay at home mom seeking a fitness routine I can maintain regardless of my location, medical condition and age. Shortly after I had Ethan, I enrolled in mom and baby yoga classes in addition to working out at a gym facility. While at the gym, I tried group exercises, circuit classes and aquaerobics. I could never settle into a consistent routine because it was difficult at times to secure space for Ethan at the gym's child watch or the gym schedule conflicted with what I had planned for Ethan.
I heard about Stroller Strides at a Hawaii Momslikeme.com outing. I have been attending classes at Kapolei Regional Park for a month now and I love it! It is exactly the type of workout I have been searching for. It is challenging, I can work out at a lower level and, what I love the most, is that I can bring Ethan and we both have a great time. I am also enrolled in the L.E.A.N. program where I am learning how to reduce and control stress and make better eating choices to achieve a long-lasting healthy lifestyle.
I am thrilled to be part of your exercise group, you ladies are a true inspiration! I hope to get to know you all better and I look forward to see you all in class.