Jessica gave birth to Raegan Kathrin Musgrove on September 23 at 10:33 AM. Raegan was 8lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long. She is totally gorgeous!
And congratulations to Gia who gave birth to Gracen Cierra Baker on October 1st at 3:43pm. Gracen weighed 7 lbs. 2 ounces and measured 18 inches long.
Gia writes "I was blessed in having another super fast labor like I did with her big brother Camren! Feeling great and enjoying the dramatic weight loss after giving birth! I definitely believe sticking with SS throughout the pregnancy has helped and I look forward to getting back in shape! Another wonderful perk is having made so many friends through SS and being spoiled with meals from them since we've gotten home! SS is truly an amazing group of women!"