I have lived in Hawaii for almost 8 years. I moved around quite a bit growing up, and have lived everywhere from Texas to Europe, and when I moved here on a whim in 2003, I decided to finish up my college degree at Chaminade University. Shortly after moving here, I met the most incredible person I have ever met in my life, and he is now my husband and father of my beautiful kids.
I absolutely love to scrapbook and do anything crafty. I also love to cook and bake… which is part of the reason I became involved in Stroller Strides.
I have always been involved in sports and staying really active. I have tried almost every type of workout there is, from Zumba to Bikram Yoga to training to run a 5k…. It’s been hard trying to find the time to do these things when childcare is an issue. Having two babies in less than two years was extremely hard on my body. Bouncing back has not been easy. So finding something that I could do WITH my kids was really important. I am so glad someone mentioned SS to me in a recent conversation... I had planned to get involved after my first was born, but I found out I was pregnant again, when she was only 5 months old (whoops!!)… and I am one of those who used pregnancy as an excuse to lay around and EAT!
I am so happy to have found something that challenges me physically and keeps me motivated to come back. I am currently doing 3 days a week, but hope to work up to 5 (with an occasional Saturday thrown in there!). I can’t wait to get back into shape!