Clockwise, from the floor:
Tarah, Susan, Karina, Tasha, Joni, Amy, Patti, Rainey, Amber, Angela
Well, this was a different sort of MNO! As a person with no rhythm and a horror of looking silly, pole dancing was not an easy fit for me. I am amazed at how everyone else really wanted to do this! And they were good!
Even though I started off the night feeling totally ridiculous and couldn't even complete the first "Goddess Glide," by the end of the night a new sense of possibilities had settled over me. I even went to Wal-Mart afterward with a different (sexy?) spring in my step. Sliding up and down a pole will do that for you!
Tarah and I tried to demo our moves on the basketball pole after Tuesday's Waterfront class, but alas, you really do need a proper pole to spin:=)
Thanks to all the women who joined us for this highly unique Mom's Night Out. OP was particularly well represented!