The inaugural session of Body Back wraps up in a little over a week. What a trip it's been! Thank you to all the Body Backsters who made waking up for our 6:30 AM class totally worth it.
Since the first session sold out, Body Back will now be offered on Tuesday nights as well. Both classes are held at Central Oahu Regional Park.
Participants have the option of attending Saturday-only, Tuesday-only, or both Saturday and Tuesday. Receive a 25 percent discount if you sign up for both classes.
1 class/week, $149 (SS), $169 (non-SS)
2 classes/week, $259 (SS), $299 (non-SS)
The next session begins June 21, with a free preview class on June 18 to demonstrate the three Body Back class formats (Rounds, Traveling, and Circuits). Session runs June 21 through August 20.
Body Back is a results-based, high intensity program. For 8 weeks, you will be pushed to go beyond your limits, to increase your speed and strength, and to work towards your ideal body composition. Body Back is about providing support, knowledge, and motivation so that YES, you can get your Body Back!
Program participants will have their progress charted with body fat analysis, and Before and After fitness assessments and measurements. Participants will also receive nutritional counseling and set concrete goals for the 8-week period. More than anything, Body Back is about achieving results.

Class is limited to 10 participants, allowing me to design class around each woman's goals. We will use equipment such as free weights, Swiss balls, the kettlebell, TRX, medicine balls, and jump ropes.
And while we love kids at Stroller Strides, Body Back is a moms-only class. This is YOUR hour!
Spots are limited and sold out last session. Sign up here for the free preview class on June 18 and to reserve a spot today.