My husband is stationed at Schofield Barracks and that is the primary location we will be attending (though my goal is to make it to CORP as well and get in 4-5 days per week once I get used to the humidity! ;)
We've technically been stationed in Hawaii for two years, but I was living in California for this last year while my husband was deployed.
While in Iraq, my husband drastically changed his exercise and eating habits and managed to lose almost 40lbs! He really inspired me to change my diet and exercise habits as well!
Since my husband is doing PT everyday on his own without me and then coming home and working out with me in the evenings, I figured I needed to keep working out without him during the day as well.
We didn't care for Hawaii too much when we first moved here (we love roadtrips and cold weather so Hawaii was quite an adjustment!) but we are learning to love it the longer we are here! We enjoy snorkeling and taking the kids to the beach and I can't say I've ever lived in a more beautiful place! I look forward to exploring the island a little more in the year or so that we have left stationed here!