If you spoke with me two years ago I’d tell you I would be a successful VP of Marketing at a prestigious firm in my humble abode on Park Ave in NYC by the end of 2012. Then reality hit, I was love stricken and life took off! We found out we were pregnant right before Mike was about to leave for a four-month “underway” on his new submarine USS North Carolina last July.
Ella was quite the little miracle as I had been in and out of the hospital due to the new diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease. With the new diagnosis came several CAT scans, medications and the daunting reality of a colonoscopy (might I add: no 23 year old should EVER have to go through that process). Needless to say, I flew here at eight months pregnant (elephant feet anyone?) in November 2010 and underwent numerous genetic testings, sonograms and doctor visits. Our little love came out perfect.
Stroller Strides is perfect for me. Fitness has always been important to me and I intend on demonstrating healthy living to my children (I plan for three more – Mike is aware and totally on board!). Throughout my school years I was a competitive swimmer, after school ended I put my life into the gym and would spend 3-4 hours a day there. Mike had also introduced me into the CrossFit world. At my peak fitness level I was training for a triathlon, which I ended up postponing after discovering our new bundle of love joining our family.
Once Ella was born I lost the pregnancy pounds (um, she was 7.4lbs, where’d the rest come from?!) in the coming months and now I am looking to get toned. I’d love to see my abs again and I may give my right arm for my jawline again.
Kelsey's goal: To get back her pre-baby body back!