Debbie is an instructor at Schofield and currently on maternity leave with the recent arrival of her third baby. A few more weeks and you'll be seeing Debbie back at SS!
Lyla Grace was born at 10:35 pm on September 15th weighing 8lb 14 oz and 18 inches long. We were thankful that she, like her siblings, was a bit overdue so Joe could be home for her birth.
This was my third delivery but it was unlike the first two thanks to my current fitness level. During my last two pregnancies I was hesitant to exercise -- by the end of each pregnancy I was so out of shape and I was just unhappy. This time, through the education and support of the Stroller Strides community, I was able to continue exercising with the confidence that I was taking care of my baby and myself.
Many things were the same going into delivery, Joe was there, I was induced, Tripler again, but this time I was able to deliver Lyla naturally without an epidural and my recovery was drastically shorter.
I feel my fitness level throughout the pregnancy greatly benefited me in the delivery of Lyla. Every squat and lunge paid off as I labored in the halls of Tripler. I think being active also helped make this pregnancy so much more enjoyable. Running, racing and working out with the Stroller Stride moms helped me stay positive, confident and happy especially in the end when I did not know if Joe was going to be around for the birth.
I miss all you ladies and can't wait to start working out with you again!