Tarah is the newest instructor at Leeward! She likes to travel so you'll be seeing her at Kapolei, Schofield, and as instructor for the Ewa Beach franchise. I asked her to instruct over a year ago, so it's great to finally nab her!
My name is Tarah and I joined Stroller Strides shortly after moving to Oahu a little over 18 months ago. I’ve been married to my college sweetheart, Geoffrey for 15 years and we have two kiddos, Aleksey (5) and Anastasia (2).
As a young person, I was not exposed to fitness or good nutrition. As a result, I have spent much of my adult life trying to figure out a formula that would work for me. Once I became a mom, it was evident to me more than ever that I must instill an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits to my children.
Prior to our move, my career in the radio industry had been a major priority and I became accustomed to juggling my career and family life. Being a stay-at-home mom wasn’t anything I had ever considered and to be honest, I felt ill-equipped to do it. I realized very quickly if I was going to maintain any level of sanity, I had better figure out a way to do a little something for myself each day.
I knew my top goal needed to be fitness and I wanted to accomplish it during the workday. After all, with 10 hours to fill each day, it shouldn’t be that tough to get some sort of workout in. Right? Thank God I was introduced to Stroller Strides! It was truly what I had been looking for.
My first several classes were so hard! How on earth could all these ladies do push-up after push-up on their toes and I can’t even crank out one? Despite my initial insecurities of being the slowest and the weakest, I reminded myself that if change is what I’m looking for, I have to be committed and stay the course.
I initially attended 3 classes per week but then bumped up to 5. For me it’s all about the routine. It’s what we do. If I give myself an option whether or not to go, I may choose the latter. So, I just don’t give myself the option. It’s fun to location hop! I love trying out all locations and instructors. It mixes things up and keeps it fresh!
During class I always try to push myself. I’m not a natural runner but I always run. If Anastasia is fussy, I’ll let her fuss (within reason). I am selfish with this hour. It’s my hour. The kids get the other 12 of my day. I need just this one.
Three months after beginning Stroller Strides, I really began seeing weight loss results. I’ve lost over 35 pounds and feel strong! I definitely have a new “pep in my step” and am excited for what the future brings!
I want my children to understand the importance of fitness and nutrition. I hope my example will set them up for success in their own lives.
I am thrilled to begin instructing. I hope my passion for Stroller Strides and fitness will be an encouragement and inspiration to you!