Hey, ladies! I'm Sara, and I recently started attending class at CORP. We actually live in Bethesda, Maryland, but we are currently staying at the hotel at Tripler while my husband Eamon does a six-week OB/GYN rotation at the hospital there.
Eamon is a 3rd year med student at the Uniformed Services University, and rotation site selection is based on a lottery system. Clearly, we lucked out with six weeks in Hawaii!
Eamon and I met 8.5 years ago in a bar on Amelia Island just north of Jacksonville, FL, and we got married in 2006. In January 2009, we welcomed our first daughter Carrigan (now 2.5 years) in Pensacola, FL... and I "retired" from working as a pediatric speech-language pathologist to become a stay-at-home mom (though we rarely stay home!).Our second daughter Saoirse (now 9 months) was born in December 2010 in Bethesda.
In my "free time" (who am I kidding?!), I enjoy reading, running, swimming, and sewing. I am also slightly embarrassed to admit that my guilty pleasures include reality TV (specifically The Bachelor) and US Weekly.
When Carrigan was 6 weeks old, I started StrollerFit in Pensacola (sorry! no SS there!). Fitness has always been an important part of my life, but I knew I needed some accountability to get back on track post-pregnancy. The combination of exercise, meeting other moms, and just getting out of the house was a lifesaver for me. It really helped me figure out my new role as mommy... and helped me work through some of my postpartum/post-cesarean emotions. So, when we moved to Bethesda, joining Stroller Strides was a no-brainer. I knew it would give me an instant group of mommy friends who enjoy exercising... and an instant playgroup for Carrigan!
Then, one of my first classes back after Saoirse was born, the franchise owner said she was looking for new instructors. I couldn't contain my excitement! I called Eamon on my way home from class to share the news! I went to the two-day training and instructed my first solo class in April. When we found out we would be on Oahu for six weeks, I was psyched to find out I could still get my SS workouts while we were here!
My current fitness goals are pretty simple: to regain some of my core/ab strength and to rebuild my running base (I got off-track with a recent foot injury). Oh, and fitting into some of my pre-pregnancy clothes would be nice, too! Of course, pushing my double BOB up the hills at CORP is definitely helping! Thanks to all the moms at CORP who have been so welcoming! I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks of workouts with you all!