Welcome to FIT4MOM, Central Leeward Oahu

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The June schedule is UP! Click on the calendar to the right and scroll forward to see June. A few general announcements:

*"Pilates in the Park" with Rosy will be held on a trial basis starting this Thursday, May 20 through June 17 at Kapolei. Class runs 8:45 to 9:45 AM.

*Monday May 24 will be the final Monday class at Central Oahu Regional Park. Since most CORP members live closer to Schofield and have been attending that location on Mondays, CORP will be returning to its original Tu/Th/Sat schedule.

*Saturdays at CORP are now a regular addition to the schedule since the trial 10-week session has been well attended. If you are at work during our regular weekday classes, come be part of the Mom tribe on Saturday mornings!

*I'd like to welcome our newest instructor, Stephanie. A full announcement is forthcoming, but you will see her name on the schedule at CORP and Schofield beginning in June.