Welcome to FIT4MOM, Central Leeward Oahu

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Aloha Beth

Tarah and Anastasia, Beth, Kara & Kyle, Joni, Amy

Beth has been our longstanding Playgroup Captain at Kapolei and as tends to happen on this island, she is moving back to the mainland.

Beth made so many of our combined Playgroups happen (Easter, Halloween, Anniversary Party) and I am so thankful for all the work she was willing to put into these events. Beth rocks and I am going to miss her so much!

Beth was one of the first members who joined with me as the new owner. Kara was a young baby and we were all amazed how Beth would run with this chunk of baby in the front pack. Kara is a walking, talking toddler now and Kyle has graduated from SS to preschool on most class days. How time does fly.

Good luck in California, Flowers family!