Welcome to FIT4MOM, Central Leeward Oahu

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Instructor Training

Enhanced Instructor Training 2011
Tarah, Stacey, Trish, Joni, Rayna, Maria, Lauren, and Farel
missing Debbie since Lyla needed to get home!

We had our second annual Enhanced Instructor Training with Farel Hruksa on November 12 in Kapolei. It was a fantastic gathering of all the franchisees and instructors here in Hawaii! For those of you new to SS, Farel is the National Fitness Director for Stroller Strides.

Thank you to Michelle (Honolulu), Jill (Ewa Beach), Becky (Kailua), and Cailin & Tracy (Maui) for representing every franchisee on Hawaii at our training.

We also had instructors Becky (Honolulu), Kim (Ewa Beach), and the entire Leeward team, plus Rachel and Julie, past and present franchisees who jumped in for some "Fareliciousness."

SS Honolulu: Michelle, Farel, and Becky

SS Ewa Beach: Tarah, Kim, Farel, Lauren, and Jill

SS Kailua: Stacey, Farel, and Becky

Rachel, Farel, and Julie
past and present franchisees, Richmond VA and Conejo CA!

Your instructors are committed to their classes and to constantly improving the classes we teach to all of you -- so much so they that dedicated an entire Saturday to "Stroller Striding." What memories we'll have of each other from this day! I got to slap Jill's thighs, Rachel got a great view of my bum during the plank ball toss, and who could ever forget being chased by an 8-months-pregnant Becky during freeze tag? (All games or drills you may have been experiencing yourself over the past two weeks!)

The Hawaii franchisees (and franchisee-to-be) at Friday night dinner
with Farel -- Disney Aulani resort.