Welcome to FIT4MOM, Central Leeward Oahu

Monday, August 20, 2012

Meet Megan

Hi my name is Megan I'm from CA. I married my husband Trevor (I call him Captain America... hahaha)  September 2, 2010  moved to Hawaii in October 2010 and soon after decided to have a baby. I  conceived Molly in February 2011. In June 2011 I had to go back to CA to stay with family I was too far into my pregnancy to fly any later, cause my husband was leaving for deployment in September 2011. Molly was born a few days before my birthday. She is October 7th, and I'm October 11th. 8:00pm 8 lbs. 20inches long. She had some complications when she come out, American Red Cross flew my husband out for free. He met his daughter when she was 4 days old, on my birthday. What a wonderful birthday present right? We got to spend a wonderful 4 weeks together and then he was sent back to the ocean. I came back to Hawaii April  2012 at the end of my husbands deployment with my daughter who is now coming up on 10 months old. I joined Stroller Strides I think in June this year? haha I absolutely love it. I've gotten close with a few ladies in the classes. Every time I go to a class it always brightens my day and gets me motivated to get all my chores done through out the day. Even though I'm a TOTAL grump when I'm working out. Stroller Strides is keeping me sane. I live right next to the Stadium, in Aiea. Military housing called Halawa. I don't have many hobbies. I'm very crafty and artsy. I started making hair bows, I do that sometimes. Other than that I try to catch up on my sleep. Molly is teething and she wakes up like 5 times through the night. SO I get little power naps through out the night. I think my goal through Stroller Strides, is just to be healthier and get tighten and toned haha. My whole life I've never really been any of those. My problem area is my mid section. My husband does Crossfit, and he motivates me and helps me a lot to be more healthy. He had such a dramatic change with his body. Gained a lot of pregnancy sympathy weight and lost it all during deployment, and is very fit now. He's really inspiring. We're going to be getting out of the military in December this year, and moving to Virginia. I'll be leaving in October though. I'm going to miss all the Stroller Strides girls I've met. I hope I can stick with Stroller Strides for as long as I can.