Welcome to FIT4MOM, Central Leeward Oahu

Monday, September 30, 2013

Barbara's Success Story!

3 years ago
Aloha my name is Barbara and I’m a 32 year-old full-time mommy of two adorable and rambunctious little boys, Landon (3 years) and Kaleb (18 months). If we would have met at some point in the last 12 years, you would have never believed that I used to weigh 125 lbs. and that I use to do some running in high school.  My amazing husband Lucas and I got married about a year out of high school 12 years ago, which is also about how long I’ve been struggling with weight issues. When we got married I weighed about 140 lbs. and I moved from our home in The Sunshine State to join Lucas in Texas. He has been in the Army for 13 years now and I believe a great deal of my weight problems are from constantly trying to adjust to all the military required moves and deployments. He has been deployed 3 times to the Middle East: 12 months, 15 months and then again for 12 months. During each deployment, I lived in a new environment with my close family and friends sometimes as far as half way across the world. My outlet became food and eating all the wrong food was my method of coping with the stress.  After having my first son, I topped the scale at 250lbs. Some of the “after baby weight” came off with little effort, but when it stopped, I was still significantly overweight when I got pregnant with my second son. 
1 year ago
When I joined the Schofield Barracks Stroller Strides group just over a year ago, I was 4 month after having my second son, weighed 196 lbs., and could barely run around the track one time. Just like every other unsuccessful attempt at losing weight I have had in the past, when I joined the group my weight loss goal was to reach 155 lbs.  I have a very clear memory of my very first day and how hard it was for me, but seeing all of those women zip and around the track with strollers it tow and knock out burpees like it was nothing truly inspired me. From that day forward I was determined to be a strong mom like them and as each month passed, I got stronger and stronger. I can honestly say that it has not been an easy journey and that I have had to physically push myself harder than I’ve ever had to in my life. However, it was SO much easier because I ALWAYS had the support of the most amazing group of women who I am proud to say are my friends.  With their support, I was not only able to lose the weight, but I was able to get back in my running shoes and enjoy running like I did in high school. I have since completed many runs to include: 5ks, 10ks and I just recently completed my first half marathon. I’m looking forward to the future and I’m excited to say that I have been training extremely hard to prepare for the Honolulu Marathon in December.
While I have surpassed my initial weight loss goal of reaching 155 lbs., I’ve come to realize that the number 155 no longer matters because I have gained so much more from the experience.  The word “gain” used to have such a negative connotation in my life because I only thought of it in the “gaining weight” context, but I have truly gained so much positivity in my life emotionally, physically, and mentally from this journey. Stroller Strides and all of the women I have met have greatly contributed to this positivity and have helped me realize that I’m stronger than I ever imagined I could be. Do you want my secrets to weight loss success? It’s found through supportive friendships/family, hard work, eating right and having fun.