Welcome to our new owner, Joni, and thank you for being part of our "mom spotlight!"

Joni writes:
"It's wonderful for me to be joining Stroller Strides as the new owner! I moved to Hawaii in January and couldn't find a gym with child care that I liked. Stroller Strides was the answer! I wondered if it would be a walk in the park, maybe a few strength exercises, and I was fabulously WRONG! I love the full body workout I get from every Stroller Strides class. 

I grew up in San Diego and have been all over the map since then. I met my husband, Jeff, at BYU and have an oh-so-practical degree in history. Our family just moved back to the States after living in England for the past three years. It was a wonderful opportunity and I even picked up some British lingo while we were there (which has sadly all disappeared).
I've always been interested in fitness, played sports in high school, started lifting weights in college, and went to the gym religiously while living in the UK. I had a British friend who also loved fitness but didn't have the time or interest in paying to use a gym. For her, I started replicating my Saturday circuits class. We met in the gymnasium of our church and I would repeat my circuits class for her. After a few weeks, more friends started to come out, and soon we had a regular class of moms who came with their babies to spend an hour doing sprints, push-ups, squats, and tricep dips. (Sound familiar?!)

I love the camaraderie of Stroller Strides and being able to work out, have fun, and take my children along. After three years in England, I am so grateful to be able to work out in the sunshine and fresh air. It makes Stroller Strides even better! My children are Leah (6), Caleb (4), and Sara (2). They enjoy making friends, too, and my son loves to yell "Run faster!" as we jog around the park. Leah has started grabbing her own resistance band for when we do resistance work, too!
For those of you who are in the program now, I would love to get your comments and suggestions. How can we make Stroller Strides an even BETTER fit for you and your family?
If you're thinking about joining and doing some research on the program: COME! You won't know until you try it. I showed up for my first class with a broken umbrella stroller, not sure if exercise and kids would mix, and went home so excited. I loved being in a group, the energy, the workout, and the friends I made. The kids have learned to love it too, and now I enjoy having them along, rather than worrying about available slots at the gym for childcare.
Thanks to everyone at Stroller Strides for such a warm welcome. It's been a wonderful adventure already! I look forward to all the classes, Mom's Night Out, playgroups, races, and location classes ahead!"